Sleeping with the midnight pills,looking up on the spinning wheel
The air that you feel,is what you call the mental zeal
When you forget the words of your own tune
I feel like laughing about like a mad man on an erotic spree
Come and fuck my emotions and i will produce your poem
Reconstruction of mind is what can make me cure...
My thought was travelling through the hills and meadows
And reaching the far stretched oceans where sails the ship
The ship of dreams could also sink,my vision is just a kid
The intoxication is within my veins,the tears are its liquid manifestations
I still do feel am a mad man on an erotic spree
Reconstruction of mind is what can cure us...you and me
You and me,You and me..but who is the you?and who is me? Is it me?
The man who was swimming within you?
Oh did i really drop it?Forgive me if i did...
Its something that they call love,one that creates hue and cry
Hue is left out alone and cry takes the centre stage
Reconstruction of mind is what can cure you...you and him
You and him,you and him..but who is he and how does he know you? Is it really he?
The man who was chasing you down the road
Oh did he really undress you?Forgive him if he really did it...
Its something that they call erotica,one that reconstructs every mind
Mind is left out alone and reconstruction takes the centre stage
But when both are together-you are cured...all of us are...
Us and them...
nice attemt, i must say..........very poisoned too.... reconstruct the mind within ,for the raw material lies within u...... u r your own god......... reconstruct ur own universe dear....... then, us and them wont matter.........godbless.
got a prufrockin touch to it.
loved the violnce in it.
kinda expresses the tumult within "you and me".
the mind is shocked enough to get some real thinkin done!
good job.
read a little derida dude...deconstruction will do you good...
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