Sleeping around Sleeping around,Sleeping around Sleeping around so?
Sleepy lady with her money overboard,sleeping in with the business class and swore
Her business and her mind,o dear!she s way too kind
Moving around Moving around round
Kissing around Hanging around so?
Equality s what they aiming for-Patriarchy,big bore!
All males she said-never cared for what they wear
Flirting around Waking around round
Sipping about,eating about too..
Naari is what purity stands for
Naari is whom we call the mother of all
Woman-is the mother of all
Woman-you can never explore
Hanging around Hanging around round
Winking around smiling at you so?
When its dark its time to shed and rest
Living in with whom she chose the best
Money speaks for one and all,Money is the end of all
Monetary Monetary blues-thats where they choose
Living upto men and live,making life all lush green
All women on the world agree,men are just what they need
Hanging around Hanging around round
Moving around Moving around so?
Naari is what purity stands for
Naari is whom we call the mother of all
Woman-is the mother of all
Woman-you can never explore
Lustrous and the polished kind,Pearls too loud glaring about
They smile they talk winking and thiking,drinking high and out
Women knows what a man can do,hard and tough to get it through
Trust and faith-all a waste,she always called it out